The Bank of New York Mellon
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The Bank of New York Mellon General info Pros&Cons
- Available in all states. The bank’s investment services are available in all states through BNY Mellon Investment Management.
- Established Investment Bank. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation formed when the Bank of New York and the Mellon Financial Corporation merged in 2007. The organizations had been in operation since 1784 and 1869, respectively, before the merger.
The Bank of New York Mellon Investment Pros&Cons
- Select an investment firm. BNY Mellon Investment Management has several investment firms to choose from, including Alcentra, Dreyfus Cash Investment Strategies, Mellon Investment cooperation, Newton and Walter Scott.
- Automatic investment. The bank’s automatic investment program uses dollar-cost averaging and an automatic asset builder to take the guesswork out of your investment strategy and put it on autopilot.
- You need a high net worth. You’ll be charged an annual management fee between $25,000 and $250,000, which can be too much if you don’t have a high net worth.
- No digital assets to trade. Customers can’t trade cryptocurrencies and other digitals assets.