
Tronix (TRX) Price Index

  • USD
  • EUR
  • GBP
  • INR
  • AUD
  • JPY
  • BNG
  • CZK
  • DKK
  • HUF
  • PLN
  • RON
  • SEK
  • CHF
  • ISK
  • NOK
  • HRK
  • RUB
  • TRY
  • BRL
  • CAD
  • CNY
  • HKD
  • IDR
  • ILS
  • KRW
  • MXN
  • MYR
  • NZD
  • PHP
  • SGD
  • THB
  • ZAR
  • AED
  • AFN
  • ALL
  • AMD
  • AOA
  • ARS
  • AWG
  • AZN
  • BAM
  • BBD
  • BDT
  • BHD
  • BIF
  • CUC
  • BND
  • BOB
  • PAB
  • BTN
  • BWP
  • BYN
  • BZD
  • CDF
  • CLP
  • COP
  • CRC
  • CUP
  • CVE
  • DJF
  • DOP
  • DZD
  • EGP
  • ERN
  • ETB
  • FJD
  • JEP
  • GEL
  • GHS
  • GMD
  • GNF
  • GTQ
  • GYD
  • HNL
  • HTG
  • IQD
  • IRR
  • JMD
  • JOD
  • KES
  • KGS
  • KHR
  • KMF
  • KPW
  • KWD
  • KYD
  • KZT
  • LAK
  • LBP
  • LKR
  • LRD
  • SZL
  • LYD
  • MAD
  • MDL
  • MGA
  • MKD
  • MMK
  • MNT
  • MOP
  • MRO
  • MUR
  • MVR
  • MWK
  • MZN
  • NAD
  • NGN
  • NIO
  • NPR
  • OMR
  • PEN
  • PGK
  • PKR
  • PYG
  • QAR
  • QAR
  • RSD
  • RWF
  • SAR
  • SBD
  • SCR
  • SDG
  • SHP
  • SLL
  • SOS
  • SRD
  • STD
  • SYP
  • TJS
  • TMT
  • TND
  • TOP
  • TTD
  • TWD
  • TZS
  • UAH
  • UGX
  • UYU
  • UZS
  • VEF
  • VND
  • VUV
  • WST
  • XAF
  • XCD
  • XDR
  • XOF
  • XPF
  • YER
  • ZMW
11:49 PM ET
Market Cap
Volume 24h
Volume / Market Cap
Price Change 24h
Circulating Supply
87,061,495,254 TRX

Tronix to USD Chart

Tronix Price Statistics

Tronix Price
Open Price
Price Change 24h
Market Cap
24h low / 24h high
$0.136185 / $0.137617
1m low / 1m high
$0.126 / $0.1406
1y low / 1y high
$0.1004 / $0.1423

TRX to USD Converter

  • BTC
  • ETH
  • USDT
  • BNB
  • XRP
  • DOGE
  • ARB
  • XMR
  • AMB
  • APT
  • ETC
  • EOS
  • WBTC
  • LTC
  • NEO
  • GMX
  • LSK
  • DOT
  • MKR
  • XLM
  • GAME
  • BCH
  • STX
  • TRX
  • ATOM
  • USDE
  • DASH
  • UNI
  • XVG
  • ENJ
  • ZRX
  • CVC
  • IMX
  • ARDR
  • NTRN
  • SC
  • VIB
  • ZEC
  • SYS
  • XTZ
  • DGB
  • BNT
  • DCR
  • XEM
  • FUN
  • MANA
  • SNC
  • DFT
  • EMC
  • AVT
  • BTS
  • PPC
  • LEO
  • BTG
  • CDT
  • BTM
  • FCT
  • OMG
  • ETP
  • TIME
  • GRS
  • REP
  • LBC
  • BCN
  • PWR
  • PAY
  • MAID
  • IOT
  • NYC
  • EVX
  • XDN
  • NXT
  • USD
  • MXN
  • BTC
  • ETH
  • CAD
  • INR
  • PHP
  • EUR
  • JPY
  • GBP
  • AUD
  • KRW
  • BRL
  • PLN
  • AED
  • CHF
  • IDR
  • NOK
  • CZK
  • HUF
  • BYN
  • HKD
  • ISK
  • DKK
  • VND
  • EGP
  • MYR
  • RUB
  • PKR
  • JMD
  • SGD
  • NGN
  • NZD
  • OMR
  • AFN
  • GHS
  • BAM
  • KWD
  • QAR
  • BDT
  • SEK
  • THB
  • SAR
  • LKR
  • PEN
  • ILS
  • BHD
  • LAK
  • CUP
  • CNY
  • ZAR
  • ETB
  • HRK
  • COP
  • TRY
  • MKD
  • ERN
  • IRR
  • XOF
  • NAD
  • ARS
  • IQD
  • GTQ
  • DOP
  • AOA
  • MMK
  • KES
  • GEL
  • SDG
  • ALL
  • MAD
  • ZMW
  • GYD
  • UAH
  • MUR
  • TND
  • TWD
  • HTG
  • NPR
  • BWP
  • CDF
  • CRC
  • SLL
  • AMD
  • YER
  • SYP
  • RSD
  • UGX
  • CUC
  • RON
  • FJD
  • GMD
  • DZD
  • TZS
  • BSD
  • BOB
  • BGN
  • JOD
  • KHR
  • CLP
  • LBP
  • AZN
  • XPF
  • XCD
  • MOP
  • PAB
  • RWF
  • BTN
  • TJS
  • TTD
  • SOS
  • NIO
  • MZN
  • GNF
  • AWG
  • BBD
  • UYU
  • HNL
  • LRD
  • MNT
  • WST
  • SZL
  • MWK
  • BIF
  • KZT
  • MGA
  • XAF
  • LSL
  • VUV
  • CVE
  • LYD
  • MVR
  • UZS
  • TOP
  • BND
  • STD
  • PGK
  • PYG
  • KPW
  • MDL
  • SRD
  • DJF
  • XDR
  • KYD
  • BZD
  • JEP
  • FKP
  • IMP
  • BMD
  • GIP
  • KGS
  • SBD
  • SCR
  • GGP
  • KMF
  • MRU
  • SHP
  • TMT
1 TRX = 0.1371 USD

How to buy Tronix (TRX)

Over the last decade, cryptocurrencies have gained popularity both as an investment option and as a method of sending money to somebody. Though we’ve talked much about Tronix, it may still be tricky to buy TRX. Here is how you can do that.

1. Through the crypto exchange or investing platform

Today, not many traditional brokers and banks give their clients an opportunity to buy or sell Tronix. However, you can do it at crypto exchanges. To buy Tronix you should follow the steps below:

  1. Choose the crypto exchange or investing platform.
  2. Register and verify your identity.
  3. Fund your account.
  4. Choose the storage method.

Even though most crypto exchanges work the same way, they may have different fees, coins available, and safety features. Additionally, pay attention to deposit and withdrawal terms.

icon-infoThe most popular platforms that trade Tronix are Binance, Coinbase, FTX, Krake, etc.

After you buy your first Tronix, you need to choose the way to store it. You can do it in 3 ways: a trading platform (crypto exchange) account, a how wallet and a cold wallet. It’s recommended to keep on your platform account only the balance you are planning to trade soon. For large sums and long-term investments consider using hot or cold wallets. When you use a hot wallet, your wallet key is generated online and your funds are stored on an online-connected device. A key to a cold wallet (or a hardware wallet) is stored on the device not connected to the Internet or even on paper (a paper wallet). Cold wallets are much more secure, but require some hardware knowledge and more responsibility for the device's physical safety.

2. At Bitcoin (not only) ATMs

In the US more and more crypto ATMs are opening in many states. Despite the name “Bitcoin ATM”, you can buy and sell other cryptocurrencies as well. To buy Tronix in crypto ATM you’ll need to insert cash, which will be used to purchase Tronix.


When using Bitcoin ATMs for purchasing Tronix be aware that most of the machines have high fees: a fee for converting fiat money into TRX and a purchase fee.

3. Invest in crypto-related companies

If you want to invest in Tronix without taking on so much risk, you may invest in publicly traded companies that operate directly with cryptocurrencies (PayPal, Coinbase), supply hardware for mining (Nvidia), or simply have a portion of crypto on their balance (Square).

4. Wait for Crypto ETFs

An ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) is a “basket” of securities which is traded on a stock exchange. The price of an ETF changes corresponding to its components, but because of the large number of securities in the fund, an investor diversifies the portfolio hence hedging risk and decreasing potential losses.

Because of crypto regulation issues, at the moment, there are several crypto ETFs that are being reviewed by the SEC (the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission). Some of them may include Tronix and may be available to the public within a short period. Bookmark in order not to miss the moment when you can buy ETFs with Tronix.

What are the main Tronix financial metrics to look at

When you think of buying Tronix we recommend paying attention to the following financial metrics:

  • Tronix price – the current price on the market, at which you can sell or buy TRX right now.
  • Market capitalization – the total number of circulating TRX coins multiplied by the current Tronix value.
  • Trading volume – the total value of TRX traded within the period.
  • Circulating supply – the total number of Tronix in the market or private hands.
  • Daily price change – the change of TRX price within 24h.
  • Monthly price change – the change of Tronix price compared to 30 days ago.
Market capitalization:$11,936,142,486
Trading volume:$3,264,540
Circulating supply:87,061,495,254
Daily price change:$0.000395 (0.288848%)
Monthly price change:$0.0144 (10.5%)

You can easily compare Tronix metrics to other cryptocurrencies here.

What is the Tronix price prediction for 2025

When investing in Tronix (and other currencies) keep in mind that nobody can predict its exact price. Instead of doing this, you should focus on the fundamentals, such as trends, regulations, common sense, etc. Ask questions: what is the core Tronix value, what is the driving force for TRX price, who will buy Tronix in the future and for what purpose.

According to the Fortune Business Insights study the average annual growth rate for the cryptocurrency market in 2021-2028 is expected to be 11.1%. So there is a chance that the price of Tronix will rise by 52% by the end of 2025.

Tronix price