Historical data of the 1 Argentine Peso to the Chilean Peso exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 Argentine Peso to Chilean Peso exchange rate for the last week.
Date | ARS | CLP | Change |
Tuesday 01-07-2025 | 1 ARS | 0.97712408 CLP | 0.0000057755 |
Monday 01-06-2025 | 1 ARS | 0.97712986 CLP | 0.0044401559 |
Sunday 01-05-2025 | 1 ARS | 0.98157001 CLP | 0.0025128685 |
Saturday 01-04-2025 | 1 ARS | 0.97905714 CLP | 0.000635326 |
Friday 01-03-2025 | 1 ARS | 0.97969247 CLP | 0.0059826111 |
Thursday 01-02-2025 | 1 ARS | 0.97370986 CLP | 0.0062437692 |
Wednesday 01-01-2025 | 1 ARS | 0.96746609 CLP | - |
1 ARS to CLP chart
Contains historical rates for 1 Argentine Peso against Chilean Peso for all the time.
1 Argentine Peso to Chilean Peso stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 0.95464013 | 12.88717611 |
Low | 0.95464013 | 12.88717611 |
Average | 0.95464013 | 12.88717611 |
Convert Argentine Peso to Chilean Peso
Argentine Peso | Chilean Peso |
1 ARS | 0.977124 CLP |
10 ARS | 9.771241 CLP |
100 ARS | 97.712408 CLP |
200 ARS | 195.425 CLP |
300 ARS | 293.137 CLP |
400 ARS | 390.85 CLP |
500 ARS | 488.562 CLP |
1,000 ARS | 977.124 CLP |
5,000 ARS | 4,885.62 CLP |
10,000 ARS | 9,771.24 CLP |
100,000 ARS | 97,712.41 CLP |
1,000,000 ARS | 977,124.08 CLP |
Chilean Peso | Argentine Peso |
1 CLP | 1.023411 ARS |
10 CLP | 10.234115 ARS |
100 CLP | 102.341 ARS |
200 CLP | 204.682 ARS |
300 CLP | 307.023 ARS |
400 CLP | 409.365 ARS |
500 CLP | 511.706 ARS |
1,000 CLP | 1,023.41 ARS |
5,000 CLP | 5,117.06 ARS |
10,000 CLP | 10,234.11 ARS |
100,000 CLP | 102,341.15 ARS |
1,000,000 CLP | 1,023,411.48 ARS |
How much is 1 Argentine Pesos in Chilean Pesos
Our currency converter shows how much 1 Argentine Pesos are in the Chilean Pesos (1 $ to $). As of today, 1 ARS equals 0.97712408 CLP. The Argentine Peso and the Chilean Peso is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 ARS to CLP currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 ARS to CLP currency converter:- open a corresponding page for ARS/CLP pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 Argentine Pesos to Chilean Pesos
The change of the value of 1 Argentine Pesos to Chilean Pesos can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by 0.0097 CLP, which makes +0.9884%.