Historical data of the 1 Australian Dollar to the Syrian Pound exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 Australian Dollar to Syrian Pound exchange rate for the last week.
Date | AUD | SYP | Change |
Thursday 01-09-2025 | 1 AUD | 1,556.51 SYP | 0.9021051514 |
Wednesday 01-08-2025 | 1 AUD | 1,557.41 SYP | 7.4788027381 |
Tuesday 01-07-2025 | 1 AUD | 1,564.89 SYP | 7.560817746 |
Monday 01-06-2025 | 1 AUD | 1,572.45 SYP | 8.9319526432 |
Sunday 01-05-2025 | 1 AUD | 1,563.52 SYP | 1.4823635852 |
Saturday 01-04-2025 | 1 AUD | 1,562.04 SYP | - |
Friday 01-03-2025 | 1 AUD | 1,562.04 SYP | - |
1 AUD to SYP chart
Contains historical rates for 1 Australian Dollar against Syrian Pound for all the time.
1 Australian Dollar to Syrian Pound stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 1,611.62 | 352.909 |
Low | 1,611.62 | 352.909 |
Average | 1,611.62 | 352.909 |
Convert Australian Dollar to Syrian Pound
Australian Dollar | Syrian Pound |
1 AUD | 1,556.51 SYP |
10 AUD | 15,565.12 SYP |
100 AUD | 155,651.25 SYP |
200 AUD | 311,302.5 SYP |
300 AUD | 466,953.75 SYP |
400 AUD | 622,605 SYP |
500 AUD | 778,256.24 SYP |
1,000 AUD | 1,556,512.49 SYP |
5,000 AUD | 7,782,562.45 SYP |
10,000 AUD | 15,565,124.89 SYP |
100,000 AUD | 155,651,248.94 SYP |
1,000,000 AUD | 1,556,512,489.43 SYP |
Syrian Pound | Australian Dollar |
1 SYP | 0.000642 AUD |
10 SYP | 0.006425 AUD |
100 SYP | 0.064246 AUD |
200 SYP | 0.128492 AUD |
300 SYP | 0.192739 AUD |
400 SYP | 0.256985 AUD |
500 SYP | 0.321231 AUD |
1,000 SYP | 0.642462 AUD |
5,000 SYP | 3.21231 AUD |
10,000 SYP | 6.424619 AUD |
100,000 SYP | 64.246192 AUD |
1,000,000 SYP | 642.462 AUD |
How much is 1 Australian Dollars in Syrian Pounds
Our currency converter shows how much 1 Australian Dollars are in the Syrian Pounds (1 AU$ to £S). As of today, 1 AUD equals 1 556.51248943 SYP. The Australian Dollar and the Syrian Pound is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 AUD to SYP currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 AUD to SYP currency converter:- open a corresponding page for AUD/SYP pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 Australian Dollars to Syrian Pounds
The change of the value of 1 Australian Dollars to Syrian Pounds can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by -5.5274 SYP, which makes -0.3551%.