Historical data of the 1 Canadian Dollar to the Malawian Kwacha exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 Canadian Dollar to Kwacha exchange rate for the last week.
Date | CAD | MWK | Change |
Wednesday 12-18-2024 | 1 CAD | 1,202.18 MWK | 6.7949338454 |
Tuesday 12-17-2024 | 1 CAD | 1,208.98 MWK | 3.6866465964 |
Monday 12-16-2024 | 1 CAD | 1,212.66 MWK | 2.8843485642 |
Sunday 12-15-2024 | 1 CAD | 1,215.55 MWK | 0.3104314543 |
Saturday 12-14-2024 | 1 CAD | 1,215.86 MWK | 0.0853981725 |
Friday 12-13-2024 | 1 CAD | 1,215.77 MWK | 6.3555899791 |
Thursday 12-12-2024 | 1 CAD | 1,222.13 MWK | - |
1 CAD to MWK chart
Contains historical rates for 1 Canadian Dollar against Kwacha for all the time.
1 Canadian Dollar to Malawian Kwacha stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 1,237.94 | 554.327 |
Low | 1,237.94 | 554.327 |
Average | 1,237.94 | 554.327 |
Convert Canadian Dollar to Malawian Kwacha
Canadian Dollar | Malawian Kwacha |
1 CAD | 1,202.18 MWK |
10 CAD | 12,021.8 MWK |
100 CAD | 120,218.01 MWK |
200 CAD | 240,436.02 MWK |
300 CAD | 360,654.04 MWK |
400 CAD | 480,872.05 MWK |
500 CAD | 601,090.06 MWK |
1,000 CAD | 1,202,180.12 MWK |
5,000 CAD | 6,010,900.61 MWK |
10,000 CAD | 12,021,801.21 MWK |
100,000 CAD | 120,218,012.11 MWK |
1,000,000 CAD | 1,202,180,121.12 MWK |
Malawian Kwacha | Canadian Dollar |
1 MWK | 0.000832 CAD |
10 MWK | 0.008318 CAD |
100 MWK | 0.083182 CAD |
200 MWK | 0.166364 CAD |
300 MWK | 0.249547 CAD |
400 MWK | 0.332729 CAD |
500 MWK | 0.415911 CAD |
1,000 MWK | 0.831822 CAD |
5,000 MWK | 4.159111 CAD |
10,000 MWK | 8.318221 CAD |
100,000 MWK | 83.182211 CAD |
1,000,000 MWK | 831.822 CAD |
How much is 1 Canadian Dollars in Malawian Kwachas
Our currency converter shows how much 1 Canadian Dollars are in the Malawian Kwachas (1 $ to K). As of today, 1 CAD equals 1 202.18012112 MWK. The Canadian Dollar and the Malawian Kwacha is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 CAD to MWK currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 CAD to MWK currency converter:- open a corresponding page for CAD/MWK pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 Canadian Dollars to Malawian Kwachas
The change of the value of 1 Canadian Dollars to Malawian Kwachas can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by -19.9466 MWK, which makes -1.6592%.