Historical data of the 1 Chinese Yuan Renminbi to the Russian Ruble exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 Yuan to Ruble exchange rate for the last week.
Date | CNY | RUB | Change |
Wednesday 12-18-2024 | 1 CNY | 14.36571537 RUB | 0.0070677209 |
Tuesday 12-17-2024 | 1 CNY | 14.35864765 RUB | 0.1362628993 |
Monday 12-16-2024 | 1 CNY | 14.22238475 RUB | 0.0449025848 |
Sunday 12-15-2024 | 1 CNY | 14.17748216 RUB | 0.0141203776 |
Saturday 12-14-2024 | 1 CNY | 14.19160254 RUB | - |
Friday 12-13-2024 | 1 CNY | 14.19160254 RUB | 0.2368223262 |
Thursday 12-12-2024 | 1 CNY | 14.42842487 RUB | - |
1 CNY to RUB chart
Contains historical rates for 1 Yuan against Ruble for all the time.
1 Chinese Yuan Renminbi to Russian Ruble stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 13.77338059 | 8.94329764 |
Low | 13.77338059 | 8.94329764 |
Average | 13.77338059 | 8.94329764 |
Convert Chinese Yuan Renminbi to Russian Ruble
Chinese Yuan Renminbi | Russian Ruble |
1 CNY | 14.365715 RUB |
10 CNY | 143.657 RUB |
100 CNY | 1,436.57 RUB |
200 CNY | 2,873.14 RUB |
300 CNY | 4,309.71 RUB |
400 CNY | 5,746.29 RUB |
500 CNY | 7,182.86 RUB |
1,000 CNY | 14,365.72 RUB |
5,000 CNY | 71,828.58 RUB |
10,000 CNY | 143,657.15 RUB |
100,000 CNY | 1,436,571.54 RUB |
1,000,000 CNY | 14,365,715.37 RUB |
Russian Ruble | Chinese Yuan Renminbi |
1 RUB | 0.06961 CNY |
10 RUB | 0.696102 CNY |
100 RUB | 6.961018 CNY |
200 RUB | 13.922036 CNY |
300 RUB | 20.883053 CNY |
400 RUB | 27.844071 CNY |
500 RUB | 34.805089 CNY |
1,000 RUB | 69.610178 CNY |
5,000 RUB | 348.051 CNY |
10,000 RUB | 696.102 CNY |
100,000 RUB | 6,961.02 CNY |
1,000,000 RUB | 69,610.18 CNY |
How much is 1 Chinese Yuan Renminbi in Russian Rubles
Our currency converter shows how much 1 Chinese Yuan Renminbi are in the Russian Rubles (1 ¥ to ₽). As of today, 1 CNY equals 14.36571537 RUB. The Chinese Yuan Renminbi and the Russian Ruble is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 CNY to RUB currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 CNY to RUB currency converter:- open a corresponding page for CNY/RUB pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 Chinese Yuan Renminbi to Russian Rubles
The change of the value of 1 Chinese Yuan Renminbi to Russian Rubles can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by -0.0627 RUB, which makes -0.4365%.