Historical data of the 1 Euro to the Guyanese Dollar exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 Euro to Guyanese Dollar exchange rate for the last week.
Date | EUR | GYD | Change |
Thursday 01-02-2025 | 1 EUR | 216.193 GYD | 0.5947545766 |
Wednesday 01-01-2025 | 1 EUR | 216.787 GYD | 0.7793849778 |
Tuesday 12-31-2024 | 1 EUR | 217.567 GYD | 0.9036253578 |
Monday 12-30-2024 | 1 EUR | 218.47 GYD | 0.1685962836 |
Sunday 12-29-2024 | 1 EUR | 218.302 GYD | 0.0415258235 |
Saturday 12-28-2024 | 1 EUR | 218.343 GYD | 0.2447366994 |
Friday 12-27-2024 | 1 EUR | 218.099 GYD | - |
1 EUR to GYD chart
Contains historical rates for 1 Euro against Guyanese Dollar for all the time.
1 Euro to Guyanese Dollar stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 219.914 | 233.646 |
Low | 219.914 | 233.646 |
Average | 219.914 | 233.646 |
Convert Euro to Guyanese Dollar
Euro | Guyanese Dollar |
1 EUR | 216.193 GYD |
10 EUR | 2,161.93 GYD |
100 EUR | 21,619.27 GYD |
200 EUR | 43,238.54 GYD |
300 EUR | 64,857.81 GYD |
400 EUR | 86,477.08 GYD |
500 EUR | 108,096.35 GYD |
1,000 EUR | 216,192.7 GYD |
5,000 EUR | 1,080,963.5 GYD |
10,000 EUR | 2,161,927 GYD |
100,000 EUR | 21,619,269.97 GYD |
1,000,000 EUR | 216,192,699.67 GYD |
Guyanese Dollar | Euro |
1 GYD | 0.004626 EUR |
10 GYD | 0.046255 EUR |
100 GYD | 0.46255 EUR |
200 GYD | 0.925101 EUR |
300 GYD | 1.387651 EUR |
400 GYD | 1.850201 EUR |
500 GYD | 2.312752 EUR |
1,000 GYD | 4.625503 EUR |
5,000 GYD | 23.127515 EUR |
10,000 GYD | 46.255031 EUR |
100,000 GYD | 462.55 EUR |
1,000,000 GYD | 4,625.5 EUR |
How much is 1 Euro in Guyanese Dollars
Our currency converter shows how much 1 Euro are in the Guyanese Dollars (1 € to G$). As of today, 1 EUR equals 216.19269967 GYD. The Euro and the Guyanese Dollar is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 EUR to GYD currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 EUR to GYD currency converter:- open a corresponding page for EUR/GYD pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 Euro to Guyanese Dollars
The change of the value of 1 Euro to Guyanese Dollars can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by -1.906 GYD, which makes -0.8816%.