Historical data of the 1 Euro to the Liberian Dollar exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 Euro to Liberian Dollar exchange rate for the last week.
Date | EUR | LRD | Change |
Saturday 12-21-2024 | 1 EUR | 188.551 LRD | 0.7065303781 |
Friday 12-20-2024 | 1 EUR | 189.258 LRD | 0.460026585 |
Thursday 12-19-2024 | 1 EUR | 188.798 LRD | 1.1720131717 |
Wednesday 12-18-2024 | 1 EUR | 189.97 LRD | 0.0379845122 |
Tuesday 12-17-2024 | 1 EUR | 189.932 LRD | 0.2344001838 |
Monday 12-16-2024 | 1 EUR | 189.697 LRD | 1.0102371495 |
Sunday 12-15-2024 | 1 EUR | 188.687 LRD | - |
1 EUR to LRD chart
Contains historical rates for 1 Euro against Liberian Dollar for all the time.
1 Euro to Liberian Dollar stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 187.53 | 207.871 |
Low | 187.53 | 207.871 |
Average | 187.53 | 207.871 |
Convert Euro to Liberian Dollar
Euro | Liberian Dollar |
1 EUR | 188.551 LRD |
10 EUR | 1,885.51 LRD |
100 EUR | 18,855.12 LRD |
200 EUR | 37,710.24 LRD |
300 EUR | 56,565.36 LRD |
400 EUR | 75,420.48 LRD |
500 EUR | 94,275.6 LRD |
1,000 EUR | 188,551.21 LRD |
5,000 EUR | 942,756.04 LRD |
10,000 EUR | 1,885,512.07 LRD |
100,000 EUR | 18,855,120.73 LRD |
1,000,000 EUR | 188,551,207.3 LRD |
Liberian Dollar | Euro |
1 LRD | 0.005304 EUR |
10 LRD | 0.053036 EUR |
100 LRD | 0.53036 EUR |
200 LRD | 1.06072 EUR |
300 LRD | 1.59108 EUR |
400 LRD | 2.12144 EUR |
500 LRD | 2.6518 EUR |
1,000 LRD | 5.303599 EUR |
5,000 LRD | 26.517995 EUR |
10,000 LRD | 53.03599 EUR |
100,000 LRD | 530.36 EUR |
1,000,000 LRD | 5,303.6 EUR |
How much is 1 Euro in Liberian Dollars
Our currency converter shows how much 1 Euro are in the Liberian Dollars (1 € to L$). As of today, 1 EUR equals 188.5512073 LRD. The Euro and the Liberian Dollar is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 EUR to LRD currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 EUR to LRD currency converter:- open a corresponding page for EUR/LRD pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 Euro to Liberian Dollars
The change of the value of 1 Euro to Liberian Dollars can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by -0.1359 LRD, which makes -0.0721%.