Historical data of the 1 Pound Sterling to the Cape Verdean Escudo exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 Pound to Escudo exchange rate for the last week.
Date | GBP | CVE | Change |
Saturday 01-18-2025 | 1 GBP | 130.198 CVE | 0.8673574528 |
Friday 01-17-2025 | 1 GBP | 131.066 CVE | 0.3108033894 |
Thursday 01-16-2025 | 1 GBP | 130.755 CVE | 0.1873372824 |
Wednesday 01-15-2025 | 1 GBP | 130.942 CVE | 0.3324968278 |
Tuesday 01-14-2025 | 1 GBP | 130.61 CVE | 0.7557081529 |
Monday 01-13-2025 | 1 GBP | 131.366 CVE | 0.705205223 |
Sunday 01-12-2025 | 1 GBP | 130.66 CVE | - |
1 GBP to CVE chart
Contains historical rates for 1 Pound against Escudo for all the time.
1 Pound Sterling to Cape Verdean Escudo stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 133.353 | 129.144 |
Low | 133.353 | 129.144 |
Average | 133.353 | 129.144 |
Convert Pound Sterling to Cape Verdean Escudo
Pound Sterling | Cape Verdean Escudo |
1 GBP | 130.198 CVE |
10 GBP | 1,301.98 CVE |
100 GBP | 13,019.84 CVE |
200 GBP | 26,039.68 CVE |
300 GBP | 39,059.52 CVE |
400 GBP | 52,079.36 CVE |
500 GBP | 65,099.2 CVE |
1,000 GBP | 130,198.4 CVE |
5,000 GBP | 650,992 CVE |
10,000 GBP | 1,301,984 CVE |
100,000 GBP | 13,019,840.01 CVE |
1,000,000 GBP | 130,198,400.09 CVE |
Cape Verdean Escudo | Pound Sterling |
1 CVE | 0.007681 GBP |
10 CVE | 0.076806 GBP |
100 CVE | 0.768059 GBP |
200 CVE | 1.536117 GBP |
300 CVE | 2.304176 GBP |
400 CVE | 3.072234 GBP |
500 CVE | 3.840293 GBP |
1,000 CVE | 7.680586 GBP |
5,000 CVE | 38.40293 GBP |
10,000 CVE | 76.805859 GBP |
100,000 CVE | 768.059 GBP |
1,000,000 CVE | 7,680.59 GBP |
How much is 1 Pounds sterling in Cape Verdean Escudos
Our currency converter shows how much 1 Pounds sterling are in the Cape Verdean Escudos (1 £ to $). As of today, 1 GBP equals 130.19840009 CVE. The Pound Sterling and the Cape Verdean Escudo is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 GBP to CVE currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 GBP to CVE currency converter:- open a corresponding page for GBP/CVE pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 Pounds sterling to Cape Verdean Escudos
The change of the value of 1 Pounds sterling to Cape Verdean Escudos can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by -0.4619 CVE, which makes -0.3548%.