Historical data of the 1 South Korean Won to the Chinese Yuan Renminbi exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 Won to Yuan exchange rate for the last week.
Date | KRW | CNY | Change |
Thursday 12-26-2024 | 1 KRW | 0.00498276 CNY | 0.0000055999 |
Wednesday 12-25-2024 | 1 KRW | 0.00498836 CNY | 0.0000195598 |
Tuesday 12-24-2024 | 1 KRW | 0.00500792 CNY | 0.0000141615 |
Monday 12-23-2024 | 1 KRW | 0.00502209 CNY | 0.0000134435 |
Sunday 12-22-2024 | 1 KRW | 0.00503553 CNY | 0.0000089271 |
Saturday 12-21-2024 | 1 KRW | 0.00504446 CNY | - |
Friday 12-20-2024 | 1 KRW | 0.00504446 CNY | - |
1 KRW to CNY chart
Contains historical rates for 1 Won against Yuan for all the time.
1 South Korean Won to Chinese Yuan Renminbi stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 0.00519288 | 0.00602077 |
Low | 0.00519288 | 0.00602077 |
Average | 0.00519288 | 0.00602077 |
Convert South Korean Won to Chinese Yuan Renminbi
South Korean Won | Chinese Yuan Renminbi |
1 KRW | 0.004983 CNY |
10 KRW | 0.049828 CNY |
100 KRW | 0.498276 CNY |
200 KRW | 0.996553 CNY |
300 KRW | 1.494829 CNY |
400 KRW | 1.993106 CNY |
500 KRW | 2.491382 CNY |
1,000 KRW | 4.982764 CNY |
5,000 KRW | 24.913821 CNY |
10,000 KRW | 49.827642 CNY |
100,000 KRW | 498.276 CNY |
1,000,000 KRW | 4,982.76 CNY |
Chinese Yuan Renminbi | South Korean Won |
1 CNY | 200.692 KRW |
10 CNY | 2,006.92 KRW |
100 CNY | 20,069.18 KRW |
200 CNY | 40,138.36 KRW |
300 CNY | 60,207.55 KRW |
400 CNY | 80,276.73 KRW |
500 CNY | 100,345.91 KRW |
1,000 CNY | 200,691.82 KRW |
5,000 CNY | 1,003,459.09 KRW |
10,000 CNY | 2,006,918.18 KRW |
100,000 CNY | 20,069,181.78 KRW |
1,000,000 CNY | 200,691,817.8 KRW |
How much is 1 South Korean Won in Chinese Yuan Renminbi
Our currency converter shows how much 1 South Korean Won are in the Chinese Yuan Renminbi (1 ₩ to ¥). As of today, 1 KRW equals 0.00498276 CNY. The South Korean Won and the Chinese Yuan Renminbi is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 KRW to CNY currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 KRW to CNY currency converter:- open a corresponding page for KRW/CNY pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 South Korean Won to Chinese Yuan Renminbi
The change of the value of 1 South Korean Won to Chinese Yuan Renminbi can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by -0.0001 CNY, which makes -1.2381%.