100 Malaysian Ringgit to Bahraini dinar

100 Malaysian Ringgits is 8.36401993 Bahraini dinars as of 07:15 AM 01-18-2025. At Myfin online currency converter you can find 100 MYR to BHD chart, exchange rate stats and other historical info.

MYRMalaysian Ringgit
No results
BHDBahraini dinar
No results

100 MYR = 8.36401993 BHD

 Selling 1 MYR you get > 0.0836402 BHD

 Selling 1 BHD you get > 11.95597342 MYR

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Historical data of the 100 Malaysian Ringgit to the Bahraini dinar exchange rate

In the table you can find 100 Ringgit to Bahraini dinar exchange rate for the last week.

Saturday 01-18-2025 100 MYR 8.36401993 BHD 0.0279846668
Friday 01-17-2025 100 MYR 8.33603526 BHD 0.0370718937
Thursday 01-16-2025 100 MYR 8.37310716 BHD 0.0093629877
Wednesday 01-15-2025 100 MYR 8.38247014 BHD 0.0209950517
Tuesday 01-14-2025 100 MYR 8.36147509 BHD 0.0101547259
Monday 01-13-2025 100 MYR 8.37162982 BHD 0.0091030721
Sunday 01-12-2025 100 MYR 8.36252675 BHD -

100 MYR to BHD chart

Contains historical rates for 100 Ringgit against Bahraini dinar for all the time.

100 Malaysian Ringgit to Bahraini dinar stats

Last 30 DaysLast 5 Years


  • How much is 100 Malaysian Ringgits in Bahraini dinars

    Our currency converter shows how much 100 Malaysian Ringgits are in the Bahraini dinars (100 RN to BD). As of today, 100 MYR equals 8.36401993 BHD. The Malaysian Ringgit and the Bahraini dinar is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.
  • 100 MYR to BHD currency converter

    Few quick steps are required to work with the 100 MYR to BHD currency converter:
    • open a corresponding page for MYR/BHD pair;
    • provide a certain amount of money to convert.
    You can change the amount and the conversion currency if needed. Average market data is used for calculations. This information is intended for informational purposes only, and we do not guarantee exchange rates provided at any specific bank. Data on 100 MYR to BHD conversion is relevant for 01-18-2025, 07:15 AM ET.
  • The monthly rate dynamic of 100 Malaysian Ringgits to Bahraini dinars

    The change of the value of 100 Malaysian Ringgits to Bahraini dinars can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by 0.0015 BHD, which makes +0.0179%.