Historical data of the 1 New Zealand Dollar to the CFP Franc exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 NZ Dollar to CFP Franc exchange rate for the last week.
Date | NZD | XPF | Change |
Thursday 01-09-2025 | 1 NZD | 65.00391654 XPF | 0.0239427906 |
Wednesday 01-08-2025 | 1 NZD | 64.97997375 XPF | 0.1044558394 |
Tuesday 01-07-2025 | 1 NZD | 64.87551791 XPF | 0.1523010001 |
Monday 01-06-2025 | 1 NZD | 65.02781891 XPF | 0.0032808648 |
Sunday 01-05-2025 | 1 NZD | 65.02453805 XPF | 0.1278872856 |
Saturday 01-04-2025 | 1 NZD | 64.89665076 XPF | 0.1207117191 |
Friday 01-03-2025 | 1 NZD | 65.01736248 XPF | - |
1 NZD to XPF chart
Contains historical rates for 1 NZ Dollar against CFP Franc for all the time.
1 New Zealand Dollar to CFP Franc stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 65.90604688 | 71.29117939 |
Low | 65.90604688 | 71.29117939 |
Average | 65.90604688 | 71.29117939 |
Convert New Zealand Dollar to CFP Franc
New Zealand Dollar | CFP Franc |
1 NZD | 65.003917 XPF |
10 NZD | 650.039 XPF |
100 NZD | 6,500.39 XPF |
200 NZD | 13,000.78 XPF |
300 NZD | 19,501.17 XPF |
400 NZD | 26,001.57 XPF |
500 NZD | 32,501.96 XPF |
1,000 NZD | 65,003.92 XPF |
5,000 NZD | 325,019.58 XPF |
10,000 NZD | 650,039.17 XPF |
100,000 NZD | 6,500,391.65 XPF |
1,000,000 NZD | 65,003,916.54 XPF |
CFP Franc | New Zealand Dollar |
1 XPF | 0.015384 NZD |
10 XPF | 0.153837 NZD |
100 XPF | 1.538369 NZD |
200 XPF | 3.076738 NZD |
300 XPF | 4.615107 NZD |
400 XPF | 6.153475 NZD |
500 XPF | 7.691844 NZD |
1,000 XPF | 15.383688 NZD |
5,000 XPF | 76.918442 NZD |
10,000 XPF | 153.837 NZD |
100,000 XPF | 1,538.37 NZD |
1,000,000 XPF | 15,383.69 NZD |
How much is 1 New Zealand Dollar in CFP Francs
Our currency converter shows how much 1 New Zealand Dollar are in the CFP Francs (1 NZ$ to F). As of today, 1 NZD equals 65.00391654 XPF. The New Zealand Dollar and the CFP Franc is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 NZD to XPF currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 NZD to XPF currency converter:- open a corresponding page for NZD/XPF pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 New Zealand Dollar to CFP Francs
The change of the value of 1 New Zealand Dollar to CFP Francs can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by -0.0134 XPF, which makes -0.0207%.