Historical data of the 1 Seychellois Rupee to the Pound Sterling exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 Seychellois Rupee to Pound exchange rate for the last week.
Date | SCR | GBP | Change |
Saturday 01-18-2025 | 1 SCR | 0.05458961 GBP | 0.0026333964 |
Friday 01-17-2025 | 1 SCR | 0.057223 GBP | 0.0001334469 |
Thursday 01-16-2025 | 1 SCR | 0.05735645 GBP | 0.0006844567 |
Wednesday 01-15-2025 | 1 SCR | 0.05667199 GBP | 0.0021307893 |
Tuesday 01-14-2025 | 1 SCR | 0.0545412 GBP | 0.0006010211 |
Monday 01-13-2025 | 1 SCR | 0.05394018 GBP | 0.0033593518 |
Sunday 01-12-2025 | 1 SCR | 0.05729953 GBP | - |
1 SCR to GBP chart
Contains historical rates for 1 Seychellois Rupee against Pound for all the time.
1 Seychellois Rupee to Pound Sterling stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 0.05707394 | 0.05608561 |
Low | 0.05707394 | 0.05608561 |
Average | 0.05707394 | 0.05608561 |
Convert Seychellois Rupee to Pound Sterling
Seychellois Rupee | Pound Sterling |
1 SCR | 0.05459 GBP |
10 SCR | 0.545896 GBP |
100 SCR | 5.458961 GBP |
200 SCR | 10.917921 GBP |
300 SCR | 16.376882 GBP |
400 SCR | 21.835842 GBP |
500 SCR | 27.294803 GBP |
1,000 SCR | 54.589606 GBP |
5,000 SCR | 272.948 GBP |
10,000 SCR | 545.896 GBP |
100,000 SCR | 5,458.96 GBP |
1,000,000 SCR | 54,589.61 GBP |
Pound Sterling | Seychellois Rupee |
1 GBP | 18.318506 SCR |
10 GBP | 183.185 SCR |
100 GBP | 1,831.85 SCR |
200 GBP | 3,663.7 SCR |
300 GBP | 5,495.55 SCR |
400 GBP | 7,327.4 SCR |
500 GBP | 9,159.25 SCR |
1,000 GBP | 18,318.51 SCR |
5,000 GBP | 91,592.53 SCR |
10,000 GBP | 183,185.06 SCR |
100,000 GBP | 1,831,850.56 SCR |
1,000,000 GBP | 18,318,505.61 SCR |
How much is 1 Seychellois Rupees in Pounds sterling
Our currency converter shows how much 1 Seychellois Rupees are in the Pounds sterling (1 SCR to £). As of today, 1 SCR equals 0.05458961 GBP. The Seychellois Rupee and the Pound Sterling is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 SCR to GBP currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 SCR to GBP currency converter:- open a corresponding page for SCR/GBP pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 Seychellois Rupees to Pounds sterling
The change of the value of 1 Seychellois Rupees to Pounds sterling can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by -0.0027 GBP, which makes -4.9642%.