Historical data of the 6 US Dollar to the Vietnamese Dong exchange rate
In the table you can find 6 Dollar to Dong exchange rate for the last week.
Date | USD | VND | Change |
Saturday 11-02-2024 | 6 USD | 151,800 VND | - |
Friday 11-01-2024 | 6 USD | 151,800 VND | 135 |
Thursday 10-31-2024 | 6 USD | 151,935 VND | 186 |
Wednesday 10-30-2024 | 6 USD | 151,749 VND | 246 |
Tuesday 10-29-2024 | 6 USD | 151,995 VND | 225 |
Monday 10-28-2024 | 6 USD | 151,770 VND | 597 |
Sunday 10-27-2024 | 6 USD | 152,367 VND | - |
6 USD to VND chart
Contains historical rates for 6 Dollar against Dong for all the time.
6 US Dollar to Vietnamese Dong stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 152,550 | 152,826 |
Low | 148,620 | 135,780 |
Average | 150,712.4 | 141,728.29 |
Convert US Dollar to Vietnamese Dong
US Dollar | Vietnamese Dong |
1 USD | 25,300 VND |
10 USD | 253,000 VND |
100 USD | 2,530,000 VND |
200 USD | 5,060,000 VND |
300 USD | 7,590,000 VND |
400 USD | 10,120,000 VND |
500 USD | 12,650,000 VND |
1,000 USD | 25,300,000 VND |
5,000 USD | 126,500,000 VND |
10,000 USD | 253,000,000 VND |
100,000 USD | 2,530,000,000 VND |
1,000,000 USD | 25,300,000,000 VND |
Vietnamese Dong | US Dollar |
1 VND | 0.00004 USD |
10 VND | 0.000395 USD |
100 VND | 0.003953 USD |
200 VND | 0.007905 USD |
300 VND | 0.011858 USD |
400 VND | 0.01581 USD |
500 VND | 0.019763 USD |
1,000 VND | 0.039526 USD |
5,000 VND | 0.197628 USD |
10,000 VND | 0.395257 USD |
100,000 VND | 3.952569 USD |
1,000,000 VND | 39.525692 USD |
How much is 6 US Dollars in Vietnamese Dongs
Our currency converter shows how much 6 US Dollars are in the Vietnamese Dongs (6 $ to ₫). As of today, 6 USD equals 151 800 VND. The US Dollar and the Vietnamese Dong is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.6 USD to VND currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 6 USD to VND currency converter:- open a corresponding page for USD/VND pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 6 US Dollars to Vietnamese Dongs
The change of the value of 6 US Dollars to Vietnamese Dongs can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by -567 VND, which makes -0.3735%.