Historical data of the 100 Ni-Vanuatu Vatu to the Canadian Dollar exchange rate
In the table you can find 100 Vatu to Canadian Dollar exchange rate for the last week.
Date | VUV | CAD | Change |
Thursday 12-26-2024 | 100 VUV | 1.21019269 CAD | 0.000551709 |
Wednesday 12-25-2024 | 100 VUV | 1.20964098 CAD | 0.0004548441 |
Tuesday 12-24-2024 | 100 VUV | 1.20918614 CAD | 0.0024258351 |
Monday 12-23-2024 | 100 VUV | 1.21161197 CAD | 0.0024721618 |
Sunday 12-22-2024 | 100 VUV | 1.20913981 CAD | 0.0010992065 |
Saturday 12-21-2024 | 100 VUV | 1.2080406 CAD | 0.0016424925 |
Friday 12-20-2024 | 100 VUV | 1.20639811 CAD | - |
100 VUV to CAD chart
Contains historical rates for 100 Vatu against Canadian Dollar for all the time.
100 Ni-Vanuatu Vatu to Canadian Dollar stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 1.18128897 | 1.1299771 |
Low | 1.18128897 | 1.1299771 |
Average | 1.18128897 | 1.1299771 |
Convert Ni-Vanuatu Vatu to Canadian Dollar
Ni-Vanuatu Vatu | Canadian Dollar |
1 VUV | 0.012102 CAD |
10 VUV | 0.121019 CAD |
100 VUV | 1.210193 CAD |
200 VUV | 2.420385 CAD |
300 VUV | 3.630578 CAD |
400 VUV | 4.840771 CAD |
500 VUV | 6.050963 CAD |
1,000 VUV | 12.101927 CAD |
5,000 VUV | 60.509634 CAD |
10,000 VUV | 121.019 CAD |
100,000 VUV | 1,210.19 CAD |
1,000,000 VUV | 12,101.93 CAD |
Canadian Dollar | Ni-Vanuatu Vatu |
1 CAD | 82.631469 VUV |
10 CAD | 826.315 VUV |
100 CAD | 8,263.15 VUV |
200 CAD | 16,526.29 VUV |
300 CAD | 24,789.44 VUV |
400 CAD | 33,052.59 VUV |
500 CAD | 41,315.73 VUV |
1,000 CAD | 82,631.47 VUV |
5,000 CAD | 413,157.35 VUV |
10,000 CAD | 826,314.69 VUV |
100,000 CAD | 8,263,146.93 VUV |
1,000,000 CAD | 82,631,469.31 VUV |
Other popular conversion pairs
How much is 100 Ni-Vanuatu Vatu in Canadian Dollars
Our currency converter shows how much 100 Ni-Vanuatu Vatu are in the Canadian Dollars (100 VT to $). As of today, 100 VUV equals 1.21019269 CAD. The Ni-Vanuatu Vatu and the Canadian Dollar is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.100 VUV to CAD currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 100 VUV to CAD currency converter:- open a corresponding page for VUV/CAD pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 100 Ni-Vanuatu Vatu to Canadian Dollars
The change of the value of 100 Ni-Vanuatu Vatu to Canadian Dollars can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by 0.0038 CAD, which makes +0.3136%.