Historical data of the 1 Bahraini dinar to the Philippine Peso exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 Bahraini dinar to Philippine Peso exchange rate for the last week.
Date | BHD | PHP | Change |
Thursday 01-30-2025 | 1 BHD | 154.7 PHP | 0.1639137545 |
Wednesday 01-29-2025 | 1 BHD | 154.864 PHP | 0.1235299339 |
Tuesday 01-28-2025 | 1 BHD | 154.987 PHP | 0.2253234424 |
Monday 01-27-2025 | 1 BHD | 155.213 PHP | 0.5378330465 |
Sunday 01-26-2025 | 1 BHD | 154.675 PHP | 0.0138014845 |
Saturday 01-25-2025 | 1 BHD | 154.689 PHP | 0.1403623648 |
Friday 01-24-2025 | 1 BHD | 154.548 PHP | - |
1 BHD to PHP chart
Contains historical rates for 1 Bahraini dinar against Philippine Peso for all the time.
1 Bahraini dinar to Philippine Peso stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 153.37 | 135.212 |
Low | 153.37 | 135.212 |
Average | 153.37 | 135.212 |
Convert Bahraini dinar to Philippine Peso
Bahraini dinar | Philippine Peso |
1 BHD | 154.7 PHP |
10 BHD | 1,547 PHP |
100 BHD | 15,470 PHP |
200 BHD | 30,940.01 PHP |
300 BHD | 46,410.01 PHP |
400 BHD | 61,880.01 PHP |
500 BHD | 77,350.01 PHP |
1,000 BHD | 154,700.03 PHP |
5,000 BHD | 773,500.15 PHP |
10,000 BHD | 1,547,000.3 PHP |
100,000 BHD | 15,470,003 PHP |
1,000,000 BHD | 154,700,029.98 PHP |
Philippine Peso | Bahraini dinar |
1 PHP | 0.006464 BHD |
10 PHP | 0.064641 BHD |
100 PHP | 0.646412 BHD |
200 PHP | 1.292825 BHD |
300 PHP | 1.939237 BHD |
400 PHP | 2.585649 BHD |
500 PHP | 3.232061 BHD |
1,000 PHP | 6.464123 BHD |
5,000 PHP | 32.320614 BHD |
10,000 PHP | 64.641229 BHD |
100,000 PHP | 646.412 BHD |
1,000,000 PHP | 6,464.12 BHD |
How much is 1 Bahraini dinars in Philippine Pesos
Our currency converter shows how much 1 Bahraini dinars are in the Philippine Pesos (1 BD to ₱). As of today, 1 BHD equals 154.70002998 PHP. The Bahraini dinar and the Philippine Peso is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 BHD to PHP currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 BHD to PHP currency converter:- open a corresponding page for BHD/PHP pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 Bahraini dinars to Philippine Pesos
The change of the value of 1 Bahraini dinars to Philippine Pesos can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by 0.1516 PHP, which makes +0.098%.