Historical data of the 1 Philippine Peso to the Bahraini dinar exchange rate
In the table you can find 1 Philippine Peso to Bahraini dinar exchange rate for the last week.
Date | PHP | BHD | Change |
Wednesday 01-22-2025 | 1 PHP | 0.00643641 BHD | 0.0000019326 |
Tuesday 01-21-2025 | 1 PHP | 0.00643448 BHD | 0.0000195178 |
Monday 01-20-2025 | 1 PHP | 0.00645399 BHD | 0.0000022011 |
Sunday 01-19-2025 | 1 PHP | 0.00645619 BHD | 0.0000401942 |
Saturday 01-18-2025 | 1 PHP | 0.006416 BHD | - |
Friday 01-17-2025 | 1 PHP | 0.006416 BHD | 0.0000142433 |
Thursday 01-16-2025 | 1 PHP | 0.00643024 BHD | - |
1 PHP to BHD chart
Contains historical rates for 1 Philippine Peso against Bahraini dinar for all the time.
1 Philippine Peso to Bahraini dinar stats
Last 30 Days | Last 5 Years | |
High | 0.00643325 | 0.00739216 |
Low | 0.00643325 | 0.00739216 |
Average | 0.00643325 | 0.00739216 |
Convert Philippine Peso to Bahraini dinar
Philippine Peso | Bahraini dinar |
1 PHP | 0.006436 BHD |
10 PHP | 0.064364 BHD |
100 PHP | 0.643641 BHD |
200 PHP | 1.287282 BHD |
300 PHP | 1.930923 BHD |
400 PHP | 2.574563 BHD |
500 PHP | 3.218204 BHD |
1,000 PHP | 6.436409 BHD |
5,000 PHP | 32.182043 BHD |
10,000 PHP | 64.364085 BHD |
100,000 PHP | 643.641 BHD |
1,000,000 PHP | 6,436.41 BHD |
Bahraini dinar | Philippine Peso |
1 BHD | 155.366 PHP |
10 BHD | 1,553.66 PHP |
100 BHD | 15,536.61 PHP |
200 BHD | 31,073.23 PHP |
300 BHD | 46,609.84 PHP |
400 BHD | 62,146.46 PHP |
500 BHD | 77,683.07 PHP |
1,000 BHD | 155,366.15 PHP |
5,000 BHD | 776,830.74 PHP |
10,000 BHD | 1,553,661.48 PHP |
100,000 BHD | 15,536,614.75 PHP |
1,000,000 BHD | 155,366,147.52 PHP |
How much is 1 Philippine Pesos in Bahraini dinars
Our currency converter shows how much 1 Philippine Pesos are in the Bahraini dinars (1 ₱ to BD). As of today, 1 PHP equals 0.00643641 BHD. The Philippine Peso and the Bahraini dinar is a popular currency pair used on the currency exchange markets.1 PHP to BHD currency converter
Few quick steps are required to work with the 1 PHP to BHD currency converter:- open a corresponding page for PHP/BHD pair;
- provide a certain amount of money to convert.
The monthly rate dynamic of 1 Philippine Pesos to Bahraini dinars
The change of the value of 1 Philippine Pesos to Bahraini dinars can be traced on the chart. Over the last week, the rate has changed by 0 BHD, which makes +0.0958%.