High-Tech Professional Compensation Insights

High-Tech Professional Compensation Insights

The average salary level of a highly qualified engineer/IT specialist/scientist/architect of computer systems in leading US corporations is $150,000 - $200,000 per year of accrued pre-tax income (base salary + bonuses + benefits + stock options) with work experience of more than 7 - 8 years and the ability to create advanced innovative developments on a global scale.

Large corporations offer 30% - 50% higher salaries than the economy's average, according to the Indeed/Glassdoor job registry and the BLS macroeconomic survey.

High-Growth Segments and Advanced Job Opportunities

Advanced jobs in high-growth segments like generative AI creation with project management opportunities can offer a base salary of $250,000 - $340,000 per year, with the possibility of additional compensation of up to half a million dollars before taxes. Taxes and fees should be deducted from this amount (with an income of about $500,000 per year, approximately 35% will be deducted in the US).

Factors Influencing Salary Variations

Everything depends on the company, region, and position. The best opportunities are in companies like Microsoft / OpenAI, Google, Meta, NVIDIA, Adobe, Salesforce, AWS (Amazon's AI-related division), and other large, fast-growing companies in AI and information systems architecture development.

Earning $175,000 - $200,000 per year of net income after all taxes and fees is quite realistic for highly qualified senior-level specialists with years of experience in creating cutting-edge / innovative developments on a global scale in rapidly growing fields like AI, nanotechnology, and biotech.

It's fair to say that in 2023, the average net disposable monthly income starts at $10,000 for highly skilled professionals in developed countries and major corporations. The highest echelon reaches $20,000 - $30,000 per month, but these are rare specialists.

This is the price of a knowledge-based economy, where household incomes are at least 3-5 times higher than the national average.


High wages are fully justified by the high return on investment as innovation multiplies, creating hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue and trillion-dollar capitalization. But that's a topic for another time.

Table of contents
  1. High-Growth Segments and Advanced Job Opportunities
  2. Factors Influencing Salary Variations
  3. Conclusion