Canadian Dollar to Danish Krone — exchange rate

You will find a currency converter from the CAD to the DKK on this page. It is possible to convert any amount from Canadian Dollar to Danish Krone ($ to kr) using Myfin currency converter at the live rates of 07:06 AM 12-07-2024.

CADCanadian Dollar
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DKKDanish Krone
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1 CAD = 4.98577009 DKK

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CADCanadian Dollar

Country of Circulation: Canada

Currency Code, Symbol: CAD, $

Denominations of coins in circulation: 5¢, 10¢, 25¢, $1, $2

Denominations of banknotes in circulation: $5, $10, $20, $50, $100

History: The Canadian dollar (symbol: CA$, code: CAD, number 124) is used for financial operations within Canada. The abbreviation of the currency used on the exchange market and in exchange offices is CAD. One Canadian dollar correlates to 100 cents.The currency was introduced in 1858. The government had used the Spanish real previously. Some types and denominations of the $ currency are not issued anymore. However, Canada officially accepts all types of currency units that have been issued since 1935. It should be mentioned that CAD is included in the list of the most traded world currencies, namely in the top ten.Read More

DKKDanish Krone

Country of Circulation: Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands

Currency Code, Symbol: DKK, kr

Denominations of coins in circulation: 50-øre, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 kroner

Denominations of banknotes in circulation: 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 kroner

History: The Danish krone (kr.) is a currency issued and used for payment in Denmark. It is also an official currency on the Faroe Islands, and in an autonomous Danish region, Greenland.It is abbreviated to DKK. Coins used for change are called øre. Every Danish krone has 100 øre. It became an official national currency in 1873. The coins of the present type have been minted since 1989. Only those notes issued after 1945 are accepted in payment. Interestingly, the Faroe Islands have their own krone, although it is not accepted in Denmark. Greenland, however, has not introduced its own currency, and still uses DKK.Read More

Historical data of the 1 Canadian Dollar to the Danish Krone exchange rate

In the table you can find 1 Canadian Dollar to Krone exchange rate for the last week.

Saturday 12-07-2024 1 CAD 4.98577009 DKK 0.0014810933
Friday 12-06-2024 1 CAD 4.98428899 DKK 0.0414633948
Thursday 12-05-2024 1 CAD 5.02575239 DKK 0.0123372334
Wednesday 12-04-2024 1 CAD 5.03808962 DKK 0.0064187184
Tuesday 12-03-2024 1 CAD 5.04450834 DKK 0.0176976567
Monday 12-02-2024 1 CAD 5.062206 DKK 0.0110492242
Sunday 12-01-2024 1 CAD 5.05115677 DKK -

1 CAD to DKK chart

Contains historical rates for 1 Canadian Dollar against Krone for all the time.

1 Canadian Dollar to Danish Krone stats

Last 30 DaysLast 5 Years


  • CAD/DKK – Canadian Dollar to Danish Krone conversion

    Our CAD/DKK currency converter allows instant conversion by live rates. Current value of 1 CAD equals 4.98577009 DKK.
  • Canadian Dollar to Danish Krone conversion

    We use quotation information as of 12-07-2024 07:06 AM ET to calculate the conversion rate of two currencies. Specified values are considered average but can match the rates of specific financial organizations. To get a result, you only need to:
    • indicate an amount of money to convert in the window with Canadian Dollars;
    • wait for automatic CAD to DKK conversion.
    With the help of this tool, you can convert any amount of Canadian Dollars into Danish Krones in a few seconds.
  • How has the dynamic of CAD to DKK rate changed in the last week

    Here you can also find a chart with the Canadian Dollar rate fluctuations since 2015. In the last week, the pound to dollar conversion rate has changed by -0.0654 DKK or -1.3115%.
  • The dynamic of CAD to DKK rate over the last month

    The monthly data of CAD to DKK conversion rate dynamic helps to understand market trends better. CAD has moved by -0.1689% or -0.0084 DKK.