Swiss Franc to Hong Kong Dollar — exchange rate

You will find a currency converter from the CHF to the HKD on this page. It is possible to convert any amount from Swiss Franc to Hong Kong Dollar (Fr to HK$) using Myfin currency converter at the live rates of 09:00 AM 01-21-2025.

CHFSwiss Franc
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HKDHong Kong Dollar
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1 CHF = 8.56126717 HKD

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CHFSwiss Franc

Country of Circulation: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Campione d'Italia

Currency Code, Symbol: CHF, Fr

Denominations of coins in circulation: 5, 10 & 20 Rp., ​1⁄2, 1, 2 & 5 Fr

Denominations of banknotes in circulation: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 & 1,000 francs

History: The Swiss franc (Fr) is the national currency of Switzerland. The currency is accepted for payment in Lichtenstein, and some regions of Germany and Italy as well. In the exchange offices and on the exchange market, the franc is known as CHF.A change unit for the Swiss franc is rappen (centime). One franc equals 100 rappen. First, CHF was issued in 1850. Afterwards, the look of coins and banknotes was being regularly updated. In 2016, the 9th series with an updated design came out. The Swiss franc has its own slang name. Traders call it “swissy”.Read More

HKDHong Kong Dollar

Country of Circulation: Hong Kong, Macau

Currency Code, Symbol: HKD, HK$

Denominations of coins in circulation: 10¢, 20¢, 50¢, $1, $2, $5, $10

Denominations of banknotes in circulation: $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000

History: The Hong Kong dollar (symbol: HK$, codes: HKD and 344) is a monetary unit used only in one district in the People’s Republic of China – Hong Kong. The HKD abbreviation is commonly used on the foreign exchange market. The Hong Kong dollar is divided into cents.One HKD has 100 cents. The $ currency was first issued in 1895. The coins of that time were made out of pure silver. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is “its own country within another government” in some way. Just like the other large city of PRC – Macao, Hong Kong not only has its own currency, but also lives by its own law.Read More

Historical data of the 1 Swiss Franc to the Hong Kong Dollar exchange rate

In the table you can find 1 Franc to Hong Kong Dollar exchange rate for the last week.

Tuesday 01-21-2025 1 CHF 8.56262854 HKD 0.0169216127
Monday 01-20-2025 1 CHF 8.57955015 HKD 0.0560484442
Sunday 01-19-2025 1 CHF 8.52350171 HKD 0.0179980795
Saturday 01-18-2025 1 CHF 8.50550363 HKD 0.0062523692
Friday 01-17-2025 1 CHF 8.511756 HKD 0.0345288269
Thursday 01-16-2025 1 CHF 8.54628483 HKD 0.0119082499
Wednesday 01-15-2025 1 CHF 8.53437658 HKD -

1 CHF to HKD chart

Contains historical rates for 1 Franc against Hong Kong Dollar for all the time.

1 Swiss Franc to Hong Kong Dollar stats

Last 30 DaysLast 5 Years


  • CHF/HKD – Swiss Franc to Hong Kong Dollar conversion

    Our CHF/HKD currency converter allows instant conversion by live rates. Current value of 1 CHF equals 8.56126717 HKD.
  • Swiss Franc to Hong Kong Dollar conversion

    We use quotation information as of 01-21-2025 09:00 AM ET to calculate the conversion rate of two currencies. Specified values are considered average but can match the rates of specific financial organizations. To get a result, you only need to:
    • indicate an amount of money to convert in the window with Swiss Francs;
    • wait for automatic CHF to HKD conversion.
    With the help of this tool, you can convert any amount of Swiss Francs into Hong Kong Dollars in a few seconds.
  • How has the dynamic of CHF to HKD rate changed in the last week

    Here you can also find a chart with the Swiss Franc rate fluctuations since 2015. In the last week, the pound to dollar conversion rate has changed by 0.0283 HKD or +0.3299%.
  • The dynamic of CHF to HKD rate over the last month

    The monthly data of CHF to HKD conversion rate dynamic helps to understand market trends better. CHF has moved by -0.9025% or -0.0773 HKD.